Welcome to our restaurants to spend the best moments of the day with lunch, snack or coffee.
Professionalism for the customer
Welcome to enjoy!
Welcome to our restaurants to spend the best moments of the day with lunch, snack or coffee. Our restaurants are located on the Lappeenranta campus of LAB University of Applied Sciences and LUT University.
The cornerstones of our operations are high-quality raw materials, safe manufacturing processes, happy customer-oriented service and customer satisfaction. We invest in quality and continuous product development in our lunch dishes as well as in our other products and services.
Our motto is Professionalism for the customer

Lut Buffet
Restaurant Lut Buffet is located on the second floor of the main building of LUT University. We offer delicious lunch food as well as weekly changing delicacies from our grill.
Lut Buffet
Lunch 10.30 -16.00

Ravintola Skinnarila
Restaurant Skinnarila is located in Lappeenranta in the lower lobby of the Skinnarila University of Applied Sciences campus. We offer delicious lunch food from the lineup as well as tasty café delicacies.
Ravintola Skinnarila
Open 8.30 – 14.30
On Fridays 8.30 – 14.00
Lunch 10.30 – 13.00

Street Cafe
Street Cafe is a cozy and modern cafe in the middle of the college campus. The café is located on the third floor of the LUT University main building. The Street Cafe is everyone’s living room where you can work, study, socialize and party.
Street Cafe
Open 7.45 -17.00
On Fridays 7.45 – 16.00
Professionalism for customer
Responsibility as a basis for operations
Our operations are based on the principles of responsibility in many respects and that is one of the things that is important to us.
As an environmentally responsible company, we strive to operate in the best possible way for the environment. Key issues include product process design, food waste reduction, packaging, raw material traceability, climate and water protection, and waste recycling.
Restaurant Lut Buffe uses the Resq app, which delivers lost food. Through the application, part of the lost food can be utilized.
In addition, we sell our customers overcooked food every day to take home.